The culture of farmers-breeders mitigation facing drought in Lampung, Indonesia
Climate change has been a global problem due to environmental degradation. In Lampung, climate change impacts agriculture fields such as drought and floods. This study aims to analyze the mitigation of farmers-breeders facing drought due to climate change. The research was conducted in Central Lampung and East Lampung districts in 2017. The area of the rice production centre and livestock production has been determined as the location of the survey. The research method was conducted by a study of farmers-breeders using 64 respondents. The results showed that climate change tends to have a negative impact on the sustainability of farming. Farmers and farmer communities in Lampung have carried out mitigation of drought. Efforts to mitigate farmers-breeders in dealing with drought in Lampung were by providing animal feed reserves through planting forage plants and optimizing agricultural waste as animal feed. Mitigation efforts for farmers-breeders in dealing with drought include providing alternative irrigation sources, constructing drainage channels and collecting water harvesters in the rainy season.
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