
Issue Title
Vol 7, No 4 (2024) Integrating anaerobic co-digestion and BSF larvae cultivation: A sustainable approach to fish innards and food waste management Abstract  PDF
Riris Waladatun Nafi'ah, Sri Suhartini, Nur Hidayat, Yusuf Wibisono, Nimas Mayang Sabrina Sunyoto, Lailia Alfisya, Rohmi Nadi Wilujeng, Nur Anisah Rizky Harahap, Hanna Syakira Salsabila, Novita Ainur Rohma, Andhika Putra Agus Pratama, Khairil Anas Md Rezali
Vol 4, No 1 (2021) Adaptation of breakfast serving mechanism during Covid-19, and management of food surplus in two-star hotel (Case study on Amaris Hotel, Bandung) Abstract  PDF
Gilang Pratama Saragi, Meti Ekayani, Drajat Martianto
Vol 6, No 4 (2023) Exploring the psychological determinants of household's intention to reduce food waste: Insight from Yogyakarta Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Herdiana Anggrasari, Dhika Cahyasita, Muhamad Ridwan
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