Scopus Citedness
Advances in Food Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Agroindustrial Engineering (AFSSAAE) has been cited in 22 Scopus Indexed Publications
Update : October 25th, 2021
1. Effect of different post-harvest processing on the sensory profile of Java Arabica coffee
- Effect of different manual brewing techniques to the sensory profile of the Indonesian Arabica and Robusta "natural coffees"
- Physical characteristics of Gayo arabica coffee with semi-washed processing
2. Sorption characteristics of banana slices (Musa paradisiaca L.) var. Raja Nangka by gravity method
- Moisture Sorption Isotherm and Isosteric Heat of Dried Cabya (Piper retrofractum Vahl) Powder
- Moisture Sorption Isotherm and Isosteric Heat of Butterfly-pea Flowers (Clitoria ternatea)
- Drying kinetics and physical changes of osmotically pretreated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) slice
3. Characterization of Pseudomonas fluorescens polyhydroxyalkanoate produced from molasses as a carbon source
- A review on polyhydroxyalkanoate production from agricultural waste Biomass: Development, Advances, circular Approach, and challenges
- Effect of carbonisation temperature and activating agents on the characteristics of activated carbon produced from oil palm empty fruit bunch
4. Life cycle assessment of raw and fried tette chips production
- Framework of life cycle assessment on nutmeg syrup processing
- Life Cycle Assessment of Cow Tanned Leather Products
5. Utilization of whey waste as a substrate for making nata de whey
6. The influence of food dimension (texture and volume) from processed rice (rice, lontong, and ketupat) to the perception of satiety and consumer satisfaction level
- Analysis of the most popular ketupat types in Jakarta
- Antioxidant activity optimisation of young Robusta coffee leaf kombucha by modifying fermentation time and withering pre-treatment
7. Application of microwave assisted extraction in extracting Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus, L.) and its effects on polyphenol and flavonoids content
- Modeling and Optimization of Total Phenol of Tamarillo Seed Extract Using Response Surface Method
- Process of microwave assisted extraction (MAE) for Rhodomyrtus tomentosa fruit and its bioactive compounds
8. A dynamic model for managing adulteration risks of dairy industry supply chain in Indonesia
- Development model on upstream-downstream integration of coffee agroindustry using dynamics modelling approach
- The risk assessment analysis of corn chips supply chain using Fuzzy FMEA
9. A new method to use Water Pinch Analysis for complex wastewater scenarios
10. Analysis of trend and determinant factors of imported soybean in the period of 2003-2022
11. The effect of temperature reduction on the performance and stability of UASB reactors treating synthetic sewage
12. Production of compost and worm casting organic fertiliser from lumbricus rubellus and its application to growth of red spinach plant (Altenanthera amoena V.)
13. Applying response surface methodology to optimise maize silage making for cattle feed
14. Mitigation strategies for supply chain risks in cassava chip SME using house of risk method (A case study in Langgeng Jaya Abadi SME, Malang Regency)